About Us

About Prime Food

highest-quality products,
on time, every time.

Our company “Prime Food Foodstuff Company” was established in the year 2020, with a high potential of success. The main purpose of the company is (a) trading of foodstuff, (b) preparation of healthy meals & food packages, (c) catering services. In relation to foodstuff trading, the Company has started operations from the first day of its establishment. After two months, the Company already spread its services to over 80 customers, mostly restaurants. Food products are mainly imported from overseas or obtained locally from the best quality sources. At the end of year 2021, the Company aims to serve more than 100 active medium size customers.

A new line of foodstuff trading is planned to open in year 2021. Fruits, vegetables and other basic foodstuff material outlets shall be opened. This will be a chain of mini supermarket outlets. Regarding the preparation of meals, we shall start this line in mid 2021. The Company shall offer ready & custom-made meals and food packages to restaurants, individuals and other end users. A new professional quality brand name shall be created for a chain of special processed food outlets. Later, a professional setup of unique catering services shall take place. Overall, the company shall then reach a state of overall integrity offering complete line of raw, prepared and packaged foodstuff items.

As the company grows, the professional staff shall increase accordingly. The Company adopts tight guidelines in the recruitment of employees. Only smart and hard-working personnel shall be chosen to run the operations of the Company. To achieve the intended target of business expansion, the Company have ensured to manage its business operations by using the best management methods and by utilizing the most professional tools of management. Finally, the best evaluation of the performance of the Company comes from the feedback of Company customers, clients and end users. This is the challenge, which we are confident about.


Commitment to Customers

To lead a customer relationship, which would ensure a positive change in customers business.


Company Accountability

To be personally accountable for the delivering of its commitments.



To, always, ensure the delivery of quality products and superior services to our customers.



To work together, at all times, to ensure the delivery of best products and services to our customers and to guarantee good results for the company.


Caring for Employees

To highly value the employees, develop their abilities and skills and reward their accomplishments.


Social Responsibility

To guarantee the full meeting of the governing rules & regulations and the business & social ethics.


Hard Working

To ensure hard working and honesty always and at all levels of company operations to meet the expectations of company investors

of Innovation

Our Mission is to lead an innovative, creative & dynamic approach to the outsourcing, processing & delivering of foodstuff.
